Saturday, February 2, 2013

Book On Life (4)

Chapter 4 : 

A man does not want anything.
The only reason he wants something is because others are having it.
He is always engaged in comparison with others.
• I have so much money, that person has so much more.
• I look like this, that person is better looking than me.
• I have few friends, that person is so lucky since he has more
wealthy and influential friends.
• I have a smaller houses, that person has a bigger and a better
• I have such clothes, that person is better dressed than me.
• I am not educated or intelligent like others, that person is better
educated and intelligent than me.
• My father is poor, that person's father is more famous and rich.
• That other person is so much smarter than me.
• That other person is so much better than me.
• That other person has so many friends.
• That other person has something that I dont have...
And so on and on it goes forever. Never satisfied with what he has, a man
sees others having more than him, he wants more and more.
This he keeps doing everyday. In the reality he does not want a bigger
house, cars, etc but since someone else has it, he too wants to have it.
This leads to greed, jealousy and envy.
Although he says nice words to others, but in his heart he does not like
others who are better than him.
He only feels better when he is at the top. No one else is above him in
any way. As soon as someone has 0.001% more than he has he
does not
like it.
This leads to competition and a race to win.
He who is content with himself is at peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Summery Hugo Apheles.