Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Chapter 6 :

There are 5 sense organs :
• Sight (eyes)
• Touch (skin)
• Hearing (ears)
• Taste (tongue)
• Smell (nose)
A man must learn to control the sense organs. He must make himself the
master of his senses and be able to control them at will.
Below are few examples that show how a man's sense organs go out of
control :
• If a man see something pleasurable, then a desire to own it arises.
• If a man smells something delicious, his mouth starts watering and a
desire to eat it arises.
• If a man taste a delicious dish, he wants more again and again.
• If a man hears a nice melody, he feels better for some time.
• If a man comes in contact with a pleasurable item, he wants more of
Sense organs blind a man to reality. A man becomes a slave to his senses.
Senses are very strong and hard to control. They are like wild horses
running after one thing or another.
A man must be able to withdraw from his sense organs like a tortoise
withdraws in his shell.
He must be self restrain in food, speech, spending, sleep and all other
forms of sense enjoyments. Taking only what he must, and giving back all
he can.
A stead and resolute determination is required.

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