Chapter 10 :
Neither does success or winning has any real meaning.
Do not look at the possession of others.
A man who works for the betterment of society, rather than his own
success is far superior and intelligent.
Getting good grades in college and using the knowledge for ones own
desire and achievements is disaster.
Knowledge which does nor bring peace and happiness to self and others is
not worth keeping.
“Strive not to be a man of success, rather strive to be a man of value.”
Albert Einstein
Knowing that success and failure is just a state of mind, one should
always keep his mind steady fast in both. Neither getting happy when
successful, nor becoming sad in failure a man must not concern himself with such delusions of nature.
Attachment to worldly objects (houses, cars, phones, clothes, looks,
fame, fortune, money, prestige, society, etc) will lead to suffering.
A man should forget the very concept of possession and ownership.
A man cannot own anything in this world for ever. When he dies he has to
leave everything behind. So he should not spend his life in the useless
pursuit of acquiring things that he does not need but rather should
think of what service can he render for humanity that will serve
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