Thursday, February 7, 2013


Chapter 7 :

What does a man need for survival in this world ?
• Food to eat
• Place to live
• Clothes to wear
• Education
• Tools to do his job
But what does a man want ?
• Expensive clothes
• Club memberships
• A huge house
• Lots of expensive cars
• Expensive Holidays
• A highly successful business
• Huge lands to own
• Gardens, Farm houses, etc
• Almost Everything !
A man's wants have gone way beyond his real needs. His daily expenses
keep rising everyday. He keeps buying things that he doesn't need. He
wants to own everything and rule over this planet.
This has lead to few people who have a lot more than they need and many
people not having even the basic necessity of life. This has lead of
everyone grabbing everything that they can lay their hands on. A mad race
to own and possess. A mad race for success, power, fame and material
wealth which
anyway a man is going to leave behind after his death.
A mad race to accumulate things in his life that
which he has NO real
need of.
All his life is spent in earning, accumulating, spending and consumption.
Houses, cars, electronic gizmo's, clothes, toys, etc. In order to get
such things he has to lie and cheat with others.
A man waste food, money, time, etc...just for his own pleasure and
enjoyment and turn his heads away from the problems of others. Living a
very selfish and self centered life.
There is enough for everyone, if a man understands his own real needs and
lives accordingly. Only taking that what he needs and let the rest pass
If a man control his needs and live accordingly, not having any
extravagance everyone
can live peacefully in this world.
Here are a few steps to follow :
• Make note of the expenses you make and remove the ones that are not
• Keep a expense diary.
• Take account of things in your house and give away what you dont use
or have no need for it.
• Make your life simple.
• Before you buy anything, make sure that you really need it.
A man should not try to beat others in this game, or compare his own
wealth with others.
Having more than what he really needs, will lead him to a lot of anguish,
frustration and problems latter in life.
A man should live a life of content and hard work.
“First off, I’m actually perfectly well off. I live in a goodsized
house, with a nice yard, with deer occasionally showing up and eating the
roses (my wife likes the roses more, I like the deer more, so we don’t
really mind). I’ve got three kids, and I know I can pay for their
education. What more do I need? The thing is, being a good programmer
actually pays pretty well; being acknowledged as being worldclass
pays even better. I simply didn’t need to start a commercial company. And it’s
just about the least interesting thing I can even imagine. I absolutely
hate paperwork. I couldn’t take care of employees if I tried. A company
that I started would never have succeeded it’s
simply not what I’m
interested in! So instead, I have a very good life, doing something that
I think is really interesting, and something that I think actually
matters for people, not just me. And that makes me feel good.” Linus
Torvalds, creator and chief architect of the Linux kernel

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