Friday, August 30, 2013



So, thru the eyes, love attains the heart
For the eyes are the scouts of the heart
And the eyes go reconnoitering for
What it would please the heart to possess
And when they are in full accord, firm
All in one resolve, at that time,
Perfect love is born from what the eyes
Have made welcome to the heart.
12th century troubadour’s song
Just one look, that’s all it took.
Without Words
Most of us are slightly afraid as well as somewhat excited in settings where social interaction is expected and required. So, most people do not sit or stand in an open posture. But, during courtship, the more open the other person’s posture is, the more open that person is to you and your advances.

If you’re wide open while sitting, your posture is similar to Abe Lincoln’s in the Lincoln Memorial. Your feet are flat on the floor. Your hands are relaxed, not clenching anything. And, you’re not holding a drink in front of yourself as a symbolic barrier.
While standing, you’re open when your hands are not in your pockets. You are not leaning against anything. Your feet are flat on the floor. And, your drink is not in front of you.
OPEN AND CLOSED When the person’s posture is open, he’s open to you, your ideas, and possibly your advances. In the left photo, notice that although he’s smiling, he is gripping his knee tightly indicating he’s controlling himself. Also notice the beer can is held high in front as a barrier. In the right picture, both feet are firmly planted on the ground indicating he is sincere. Notice that his arms are down and that his hands are open and relaxed, signs of openness and sincerity. His head is slightly tilted and he’s leaning a bit forward. Both indicate interest.

This topic applies to a man approaching and interacting with a woman just as it obviously applies the other way ’round. In body language jargon, it’s called mirroring.
If you’re in the same emotional place as the other person, your posture is the mirror image theirs. It also can mean that you are interested in each other.
MIRRORING These people are sitting in almost exactly the same position, so they are about in the same place emotionally. But, notice she’s holding onto her shin and does not have her foot completely flat on the floor. The man must take his time until she’s more open and relaxed.
When you notice the other person is standing or sitting in about the same manner as you are, he, or she, is in about the same emotional place. During courtship, subconsciously, all of us tend to adopt the same posture as the person we are interested in.
When talking with someone we are attracted to, we usually mirror them. More fascinating, we often mirror somebody we are interested even if that person is across the room and we are stuck talking with a bore! One more time. You cannot not communicate.
Pay attention when you are at a party. Lots of people always gather in the kitchen. Look around. Notice if anyone is mirroring another person’s body language. They may be interested in each other, then again, they could simply be in the same emotional state. Look for other signals to confirm or deny the interest you suspect. At the same time, consciously adopt the body language of the person you’d like to meet and talk with.
Men, pay attention to all the ways she communicates during the first few minutes as you talk with her. Women, let him know what you want.
Nearly all of these signals apply to both men and women. The ones that apply only to women are indicated by italics.
Alert, energetic Tense, restless
Pupils dilated Normal or small pupils
Gradually opens posture Posture remains closed
Lowers drink Keeps drink high
Touches self gently Grips or pinches self
Caresses objects Squeezes, taps objects
Crosses and uncrosses legs Legs remain crossed
Flashes of palm Back of hand gestures
Crossed legs steady Swings crossed legs
Dangles shoe on toe Keeps shoe on
Hands never touch face Touches face
Touches you any reason Never touches you
Feet firmly on floor Feet on edges or toes
Loosens anything Tightens anything
Leans forward Leans away
Steady hands, feet Tapping, drumming
Ready for action with you. Contrast with relaxed, casual postures when sitting or standing. Especially positive and revealing when the person shifts from casual to alert during the conversation.
In social settings, most of us start out in a closed, defensive posture because we’re a bit apprehensive. A closed posture feels safe. When the person you are talking with shifts to a more open posture, it signifies trust and comfort. That person is, literally, opening up to you and what you have to offer.
Most people in social settings hold a drink in front of themselves as a barrier. When the person you are talking with lowers his, or her, drink, the barrier between you is coming down. As always, it is most effective if you lower your drink first. The other person often follows your lead.

If done sensually, it usually means the person wants to caress you or wants you to caress them.

CARESSING A GLASS The most common object fondled is a drink. Women tend to stroke the glass up and down. Men usually run a finger around the lip. The symbolism is obvious.
Caution! Occasionally, when a woman touches something sensitively, it can be a subtle signal for reassurance. Subconsciously, she may want you to gently reassure her. You may be too close physically or you’re talking about a topic that makes her anxious. Move back and change the subject if you read this gesture as nervousness.
If done in a gentle, sensuous manner it means the same as caressing an object—the person wants to touch you or wants you to touch them. However, this can also be an attempt at reassuring one’s self. It depends on everything that came before. The same caution as above applies.

FLASHES OF PALM She shows you the palm of her hand during conversation in brief flashes. She is making herself submissive and vulnerable. One interpretation is, “My hands are up. I surrender.” Another way of seeing it, “I have no weapon. I won’t hurt you.”
Women only. She shows you the palm of her hand during conversation while checking her ear ring or adjusting her hair or gesturing with her hands. This signal is hard to see because it is so brief and it does not appear to be flirting.
Reliable if you can notice it. Focus your awareness on looking for palm flashes ahead of time and you’ll be able to see it or the opposite gesture, described in the photo below.

BACK OF HAND Women only. The exact opposite of a palm flash. One interpretation is “See my wedding ring? I’m not interested.” Another is “This is not a fist, yet. Beat it!” Often disguised, as in the photo.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Saturday, March 2, 2013

the first morning

the first morning has lost
the Canary was singing in Mart
let's make a new post
in Mart our love will never be lost

Thursday, February 28, 2013

By the River of Kapuas Borneo indonesia

Saat berkunjung ke kesultanan Sintang dan sharing bersama anak2 seminari Kelas X Santo Yohanes Maria Viaaney Sintang Borneo

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The End

Chapter 14 : 

This is a very short and precise guide. I have tried to keep it as simple
as possible so that anyone can understand it.
Do not believe in what others say or do, or what is written in
books. Always use your own commonsense
above everything else. Know
this to be the greatest wisdom of all.
This book is not yet finished...more refinement is needed which I hope to
do it in coming soon.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Chapter 12 : 

A man should be unmoved in criticism or praise
Neither should he be concern with victory, nor with defeat
Neither hate nor love sways his mind
Neither does he gets dictated by emotions
Neither does he seek pleasure, nor avoids discomforts
Neither does he get angry, nor feels sad
Neither greed of money nor power can change his way
Neither does he become a slave, nor does he enslave anyone
Looks at a piece of gold and a rock with an equal eye
Never makes enemy of his fellow beings, nor makes fun of others
Corrects his own mistakes first, rather than looking at the mistakes of others
Treats others with courtesy and respect, rich or poor
Does what is right
Lives for betterment of society and others
Free of all attachments and desire a happy man

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Chapter 11 : 

Only a learned man is able to help the society in a better way.
A man must devote some time everyday to learning.
Any waste of time is very harmful.
A man should not be totally dependent on others 
to teach him something.
He must take a personal responsibility towards learning.
The more a man knows, the better way he will be able to serve 
the society.
Do not learn just to earn money, or to gain success and fame. Such
selfish learning is of no use.
“Anyone who stop learning is old, whether at twenty or at eighty” Henry Ford

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Chapter 10 : 

Accumulation of money does no good.
Neither does success or winning has any real meaning.
Do not look at the possession of others.
A man who works for the betterment of society, rather than his own
success is far superior and intelligent.
Getting good grades in college and using the knowledge for ones own
desire and achievements is disaster.
Knowledge which does nor bring peace and happiness to self and others is
not worth keeping.
“Strive not to be a man of success, rather strive to be a man of value.”
Albert Einstein
Knowing that success and failure is just a state of mind, one should
always keep his mind steady fast in both. Neither getting happy when
successful, nor becoming sad in failure a man must not concern himself with such delusions of nature.
Attachment to worldly objects (houses, cars, phones, clothes, looks,
fame, fortune, money, prestige, society, etc) will lead to suffering.
A man should forget the very concept of possession and ownership.
A man cannot own anything in this world for ever. When he dies he has to
leave everything behind. So he should not spend his life in the useless
pursuit of acquiring things that he does not need but rather should
think of what service can he render for humanity that will serve

Monday, February 11, 2013


Chapter 9 : 

A man must always follow his own conscience, his inner voice.
Whenever a man is going towards wrong, his conscience will always stop
him. But a man refuses to listen to it, thinking that he is more smarter.
A man's conscience is never wrong. It always shows the right path. A man
must always do whatever agrees with his own conscience, judgment and
common sense.
Blindly following others will lead a man into a wrong path.
A man must learn to be patient and trust his conscience.
A man must make his conscience his moral compass to navigate him through
A man can escape his punishment from the courts of law using his money
and power, but his conscience never forgives a wrong deed done. His own
inner voice will keep hurting him for all the wrong that he has done.
“The only tyrant I accept in this world is the 'still small voice' within” Mahatma Gandhi
“There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience” French proverb.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Chapter 8 : 

Brain of man is just a tool that is provided for survival and creation.
But a man uses his brain to :
• Making plans to fulfill his selfish desires
• Find loopholes in the system for his own exploitation and gains
• Planning and doing all the wrong acts
• Making plans of harming others
• Making plans of destruction
A man must understand that the brain is just a part of body. It is the
control center of all bodily functions and thought. It is not meant for
making plans for exploitation of others, neither for self enjoyment nor
for ones self serving purposes.
"A knife can be used by a robber to kill a person and the same knife can
be used by a doctor to save a person's life."
This is the same thing that applies for a man's brain. Either a man can
use it to do wrong, or right with it.
Doing the right thing with it is
the right and proper use of it.
Always ask these questions :
• "Whether what I am about to do is going to help others ?"
• "Whether what I am about to do is the right thing to do ?"
Doing the right things will bring a man peace and happiness and doing
wrong will agitate him and others. This will lead to all sort of diseases
and problems later in his life. A man must be very careful of what he
thinks, says, hears, sees and does. Everything will leave a impression on
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done
for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Chapter 7 :

What does a man need for survival in this world ?
• Food to eat
• Place to live
• Clothes to wear
• Education
• Tools to do his job
But what does a man want ?
• Expensive clothes
• Club memberships
• A huge house
• Lots of expensive cars
• Expensive Holidays
• A highly successful business
• Huge lands to own
• Gardens, Farm houses, etc
• Almost Everything !
A man's wants have gone way beyond his real needs. His daily expenses
keep rising everyday. He keeps buying things that he doesn't need. He
wants to own everything and rule over this planet.
This has lead to few people who have a lot more than they need and many
people not having even the basic necessity of life. This has lead of
everyone grabbing everything that they can lay their hands on. A mad race
to own and possess. A mad race for success, power, fame and material
wealth which
anyway a man is going to leave behind after his death.
A mad race to accumulate things in his life that
which he has NO real
need of.
All his life is spent in earning, accumulating, spending and consumption.
Houses, cars, electronic gizmo's, clothes, toys, etc. In order to get
such things he has to lie and cheat with others.
A man waste food, money, time, etc...just for his own pleasure and
enjoyment and turn his heads away from the problems of others. Living a
very selfish and self centered life.
There is enough for everyone, if a man understands his own real needs and
lives accordingly. Only taking that what he needs and let the rest pass
If a man control his needs and live accordingly, not having any
extravagance everyone
can live peacefully in this world.
Here are a few steps to follow :
• Make note of the expenses you make and remove the ones that are not
• Keep a expense diary.
• Take account of things in your house and give away what you dont use
or have no need for it.
• Make your life simple.
• Before you buy anything, make sure that you really need it.
A man should not try to beat others in this game, or compare his own
wealth with others.
Having more than what he really needs, will lead him to a lot of anguish,
frustration and problems latter in life.
A man should live a life of content and hard work.
“First off, I’m actually perfectly well off. I live in a goodsized
house, with a nice yard, with deer occasionally showing up and eating the
roses (my wife likes the roses more, I like the deer more, so we don’t
really mind). I’ve got three kids, and I know I can pay for their
education. What more do I need? The thing is, being a good programmer
actually pays pretty well; being acknowledged as being worldclass
pays even better. I simply didn’t need to start a commercial company. And it’s
just about the least interesting thing I can even imagine. I absolutely
hate paperwork. I couldn’t take care of employees if I tried. A company
that I started would never have succeeded it’s
simply not what I’m
interested in! So instead, I have a very good life, doing something that
I think is really interesting, and something that I think actually
matters for people, not just me. And that makes me feel good.” Linus
Torvalds, creator and chief architect of the Linux kernel

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Chapter 6 :

There are 5 sense organs :
• Sight (eyes)
• Touch (skin)
• Hearing (ears)
• Taste (tongue)
• Smell (nose)
A man must learn to control the sense organs. He must make himself the
master of his senses and be able to control them at will.
Below are few examples that show how a man's sense organs go out of
control :
• If a man see something pleasurable, then a desire to own it arises.
• If a man smells something delicious, his mouth starts watering and a
desire to eat it arises.
• If a man taste a delicious dish, he wants more again and again.
• If a man hears a nice melody, he feels better for some time.
• If a man comes in contact with a pleasurable item, he wants more of
Sense organs blind a man to reality. A man becomes a slave to his senses.
Senses are very strong and hard to control. They are like wild horses
running after one thing or another.
A man must be able to withdraw from his sense organs like a tortoise
withdraws in his shell.
He must be self restrain in food, speech, spending, sleep and all other
forms of sense enjoyments. Taking only what he must, and giving back all
he can.
A stead and resolute determination is required.